With advances in computing power which includes machine language,neural networks, natural language processing, genetic algorithm and computational creativity, to name just a few. We seem to have discover that Artificial Intelligence is evolving or transforming from the simple programmed to self awareness machines. But before we can go further, it is important we know what an Artificial Intelligence or A.I(for short) is, the types of A.I, a look at where A.I is and the prospect of what it may become in the future.
Artificial Intelligence according to John McCarthy is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines especially intelligent programs.
Artificial Intelligence is a way of making a computer, computer controlled robot or a software think intelligently in the same way Human beings think and react.
Therefore A. I is accomplished by studying how human brains think, learn, decide and work when engaged in problem solving using the outcomes of the study as a basis of developing intelligent softwares and systems.
Now we have an overview and the knowledge of what an Artificial Intelligence is, we can now proceed further to know the Classes and types of Artificial Intelligence and where we can classify them if we perceive and see them.
This is the most basic form of A.I. it perceives it's environment and situation directly and acts on what it sees. It doesn't have a concept of the wider world. It can't form memories or draw on past experiences to affect current situations thereby making it a Specialist in a particular field or area.
Example of this class of A.I are
• IBM 's Deep Blue which beat Garry Kasparov at Chess
• Google's AlphaGo which won human Go Champions.

As we go further up on the A.I evolutionary ladder, this type of A.I considers pieces of past information and add them to it's pre programmed representations of the world. It has just enough experience to make proper decisions and execute appropriate tasks. Examples of this class of A.I
• Self driving cars.
• Chatbots, Personal Digital assistants.
This type of A.I has the capacity to understand human thoughts and emotions which of course affect human behavior or character. This type of A.I which can comprehend feelings, motives, intentions, expectations and can interact Socially is yet to be built, but would likely be the next class of intelligent machines. Examples of this class of A.I are.
• C-3P0 and R2-D2 from the Star Wars universe.
• Sonny in the 2004 film I Robot.
These types of A.I can form representations about themselves which makes them an extension of the Theory of Mind A.I. They are aware of their internal states, can predict the feelings of others, make abstractions and inferences. They are the future generation of machines; Super intelligent, sentient and conscious. Examples of this class of A.I are.
• Ava in the 2015 movie Ex Machina
• Synths in the 2015 T.V series Humans
• Chappie in the 2016 movie Chappie
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